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Meet Omar: The Inspiration Behind Formerly Feral Games


At Formerly Feral Games, we find inspiration in many places, but none as profound as the story of Omar, our company’s logo, namesake, and the best beast to ever exist. This blog is dedicated to sharing Omar’s incredible journey and how he came to embody the spirit of our company.

A Fateful Meeting

Damon first met Omar on the day he bought his current home. Omar was a formidable cat, a veritable tank, whose presence had kept the neighborhood’s raccoon population at bay. His numerous scars, busted teeth, and a folded ear told the tale of a decade spent living feral. Despite his rough exterior, Omar had a dignified air about him.

An Unexpected Friendship

Omar was kind enough to share his territory, quickly becoming a fixture in Damon’s yard. He cautiously accepted treats and fresh catnip plants, never coming too close but too bold to run away. Their bond grew slowly, built on mutual respect and a few meager offerings. However, it was an infected paw that brought them closer together. Damon trapped Omar for a vet visit, worried he might never see the resilient cat again.

A Heartwarming Return

To Damon’s surprise and delight, Omar returned. This time, he rarely left. Omar found comfort under the birch trees, in the woodpile, and eventually, in a box on the porch. Gradually, he accepted pets, food, and even a bit of playtime. As winter approached, Omar made the ultimate decision: he moved inside.

Two Years of Love

Damon cherished nearly two years with Omar, filled with cuddles and naps by the fire. Working from home meant they spent countless hours together, Omar never showing any desire to escape. He never bit, scratched, or tried to flee. Instead, he offered boundless affection and trust. Omar’s purrs were powerful enough to shake glass, and his headbutts were delivered with loving force, leaving bruises as tokens of his affection. After years of fighting for survival, Omar was ready for a cushy, retired life. He gave endless love from his enlarged heart and left after the most perfect day.

A Legacy of Devotion and Ferocity

Omar’s story is a reminder of the devotion and ferocity that drive us at Formerly Feral Games. Just as Omar fought for his place in the world and found love and comfort, we pour our hearts into the games we create. Our name, Formerly Feral Games, is a tribute to Omar’s journey and a reminder that the things we create are worth doing with a passion that can terrify raccoons.

We strive to foster love and memories with friends and chosen family through our games. Omar’s legacy lives on in every project we undertake, reminding us to approach our work with the same dedication and heart that defined his life.

Thank you for playing with us and being a part of Omar’s legacy.


About Us

Formerly Feral Games is a Seattle-based game design company with an almost entirely queer staff (sorry, Jeff!). The games we produce and the games we play are ones of extensive genders, skin colors, and identities. They are games of inclusivity and respect. If you find anything in those concepts to be inherently troublesome, then we maybe don’t make games for you. If you find value in those concepts, welcome to our table! We are so very glad to have you.

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